52 week devotional series Devotional Discussion week 6

Week 7-The Two Types of Branches- Part 3

In week 6, I addressed Jesus from the context of being a Vine and it’s branches. This week even through I delayed, I want us to look at the branches.

Week 7: The Two Types of Branches

Text: John 15: 2

‘He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruits he prunes”. (NIV)

We defined the word ‘branch’ as referring to the part of the tree that grows out from the main stem and on which fruit grow. We also explained vine from the ancient perspective as an a metaphor that was used to describe Israel people under God’s care.

The above illustration of branches denotes that, the believing in Christ is meaningless if the believer is fruitless. But the believer who is fruitful is pruned. The pruning exercise is used by farmers. They from now and then cut the branches to make the tree look good and neat and to keep the live branches. The pruning is painful when you look at it. But the outcome is good and rewarding.

The pruned fruit bearing branches refers to genuine believers. God is so concerned about his followers that, he from time to time test their faith. The pruning of the branches refers to God’s way of promoting our spiritual growth. After the test we become strong and our faith is revived. This requires patience and understanding. Without the wisdom of God, we can never, discern the things of God. We need the guidance of the power of the Holy Spirit.

The cut off fruit un-bearing branches refer to those who declare to be believers but their walk and lifestyle denies the salvation. They live doubt standards. They are like people who never go through the transformation process. We referred to this earlier on. Check the previous series. God our Father, removes things that would hinder our fruit-bearing. At times we are so attached to these things that, we feel bad when we are removed from them. Have you ever experience loosing someone you love and trust, only to discover the person is a hypocrite? It’s painful to come to the point of parting, but God helps you be saved from some situations through painful processes.

Do a quick check of what things are you attached to. Do those things make you grow or they suck water from you and make you dry and eventually you bear no fruit. If something drains your spiritual capacity: check if its worth keeping or you need to refrain from it. Consult God, and follow His lead.

Be the branch that breaks fruit. Remember the secret is on being a branch that is attached to the stem.

May you be blessed.

TT yo Nation Building Servant


A seasoned multi skilled leader with a scholarly mind. Have vested interest in academic issues, book writing, coaching, leadership development, community development, mentorship, counselling and youth development work

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